Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Home office - Set design

Earlier this year I once again teamed up with Christopher Walker on a new pilot for the BBC.  The 'home office' is a sit com being filmed at the new BBC studios over in Salford.  Below is some of the art work and technical drawings I produced during the design of our studio build.
These early visuals helped communicate the layout of the set...the dressing completely changed.
A second view of the set.

My technical drawings that went of to Bob and John at WRFCS Ltd.

The studio/dressing plan.  This was a real pain as BBC Salford kept supplying the wrong studio plans (anyone else building in there beware).

Ready, Steady, Go!  Cameras descend on the completed set.

Another angle of the set.

The front door had the match an exterior location in Wilmslow.

The dinning room table proved to be at the heart of the action.

Another shot

The living area - notice the jazz theme.